Fig. S1.
Estimation of the SD of visual latency in single-trial SSVEPs. (A) Illustration of the relationship between theoretical classification accuracy and time lags (0–10 ms) for visual latencies that follow a normal distribution (mean: 0, SD: 1 ms). (B) Estimation of the mean SD of visual latency across all subjects. The accuracy curve fits well with the theoretical accuracy curve corresponding to a SD of 1.7 ms. (C) Estimation of the SD of visual latency for each subject. The estimated values are within 1–2 ms. In B and C, the 0.5-s data epochs from the online cued-spelling tasks (including both training and testing data, 17 blocks) were used for estimating the classification accuracy. Time lags from 0 to 10 ms were added to extract time-lagged epochs. The SSVEP epochs corresponding to the highest accuracy (13.4 Hz) among all stimulation frequencies were used in the analysis.