Figure 1. Detection of H. pylori proteins in broth culture supernatant.
Aliquots of an H. pylori broth culture were removed at the indicated time points. The bacteria were pelleted by centrifugation, yielding bacterial pellets and culture supernatants. The bacterial pellets were processed to yield soluble (CP/PP) and insoluble (membrane) fractions. The protein content of the fractions was analyzed by 1D mass spectrometry. (A) Optical density (OD600) of the culture at 12, 24, 30, 36, and 48 hour time points. (B) Total number of spectra assigned to H. pylori proteins, based on analysis of supernatant, CP/PP, and membrane fractions at the indicated time points. (C) Number of H. pylori proteins detected (based on assignment of ≥10 spectra per protein) in fractions at the indicated time points. Data are based on analysis of aliquots taken from a single representative broth culture.