Figure 4.
Comparisons of artemisinin monotherapy use for multiple first-line therapies (MFT), 5-year cycling, and sequential deployment
Artemisinin monotherapy use values are shown for different costs of resistance (cR), and different treatment coverages (f). Each row shows the artemisinin monotherapy results of 100 model simulations, with bars spanning the IQR. Artemisinin monotherapy use values are lower for MFT (all p=0·001) except for the comparisons corresponding to *. Simulations assume that three artemisinin combination therapies with 95% efficacy are used in a low-transmission setting (entomological inoculation rate=1·3). Partner-drug resistance mutations have their highest probability of fixation at intermediate drug concentrations. Artemisinin monotherapy use decreases with treatment coverage because prevalence is lower when more individuals are treated.