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. 2015 Sep-Oct;31(5):1250–1255. doi: 10.12669/pjms.315.7649


Effects of Ramadan fasting on blood lipids and anthropometric parameters.

Article Subject’s characteristics Outcomes
Year No. and Sex Age BW BMI
Author Study Publish Location M F (year) (kg) (kg/m2) EI CI PI FI T-chol TG HDL LDL VLDL BW BMI WC
Sulieman S. 1982 1982 UK and Sudan 20 4 30 (21-40) 69.5±2.3 NM NM NM NM NM - NM NM NM NM NM
Hallak M. H. 1988 1988 Syria 16 - 18-30 66.2±7.6 22.5±2.6 NM NM NM - NM
Maislos M. 1992 1993 Israel 16 8 27 (18-45) 68±17 24.6±4.6 NM NM NM NM - - - - - - NM
Adlouni A. 1997 1997 Moracco 32 - NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM
Maislos M. 1998 1998 Israel 32 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM - - - - NM - NM
Ziaee V. 2002 2002 Iran 41 39 20-35 62.4±11.6 21.2±4.5 NM NM NM NM - - - NM
Afrasiabi A. 1997 2003 Iran 28 0 NM NM NM - NM NM NM
Afrasiabi A. 1998 2003 Iran 22 0 NM NM NM NM NM NM - - - - - - NM
Ch-Pasha H. 1996 2004 KSA 54 32 56 (17-84) NM NM NM NM NM NM - - - - - NM NM NM
Rahman M. 2004 2004 Bangladesh 20 0 NM NM NM NM NM - - - - NM
Unalacak M. 2007 2011 nm 10 0 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM
Barkia A. 2011 2011 Tunisia 19 6 42 (22-55) NM 27.1±2.6 NM NM - - NM NM NM NM
Sadiya A. 2011 2011 UAE 0 276 49±6 NM 34.63±3.29 - NM NM NM NM NM NM NM
Shehab 2012 2012 UAE 70 32 38.7±10.5 82.9±14.6 28.1±4.4 NM NM NM - - NM
Nematy M. 2012 2012 Iran 38 44 54±10 NM NM - - - -
Mirzaei B. 2012 2012 Iran 14 0 20.12±2.5 NM 70.61±18.4 NM NM NM NM - - NM NM

↑= a significant increasing; ↓= a significant decreasing; -= not significant change; NM= not mention in article.M= male; F= female; BW= body weight; BMI= body mass index; EI= energy intake; CI= carbohydrate intake; PI= protein intake; FI= fat intake; T-chol= total cholesterol; TG= triglycerides; HDL= high density lipoproteins; LDL=low density lipoproteins; VLDL= very low density lipoproteins; WC= waist circumference.