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. 2015 Nov 10;3:46. doi: 10.1186/s40560-015-0113-4

Table 2.

Demographic, clinical, and facility characteristics and cumulative mortality

Exposure Total patients Number died Cumulative mortality (%) 95 % CI
Demographic characteristics
 18–44 9832 766 7.80 7.3–8.3 %
 45–64 10,749 994 9.20 8.7–9.8 %
 65–79 10,460 1137 10.90 10.3–11.5 %
 80+ 10,549 1331 12.60 12.0–13.3 %
 Male 26,604 2856 10.70 10.4–11.1 %
 Female 14,927 1371 9.20 8.7–9.7 %
Clinical characteristics
 Admission hypotension (SBP <90 mmHg) 524 158 30.20 26.2–34.3 %
 Admission normotension (SBP ≥90 mmHg) 32,700 3437 10.50 10.2–10.8 %
 Admission heart rate <60 bpm 2184 352 16.10 14.6–17.7 %
 Admission heart rate 60–100 bpm 24,790 2401 9.70 9.3–10.1 %
 Admission heart rate >100 bpm 6407 883 13.80 12.9–14.7 %
 Need for mechanical ventilation during hospitalization 10,239 2927 28.60 27.7–29.5 %
 No need for mechanical ventilation during hospitalization 31,351 1301 4.10 3.9–4.4 %
Injury severity
 ISS <9 1330 44 3.30 2.4–4.4 %
 ISS 9–15 11,476 431 3.80 3.4–4.1 %
 ISS 16+ 26,704 3481 13.00 12.6–13.4 %
 GCS 13–15 23,346 1276 5.50 5.2–5.8 %
 GCS 9–12 3156 449 14.20 13.0–15.5 %
 GCS ≤8 5096 1770 34.70 33.4–36.1 %
Facility characteristics
Teaching status
 Community/non-teaching hospital 23,985 2246 9.40 9.0–9.7 %
 University/teaching hospital 17,605 1982 11.30 10.8–11.7 %
Hospital bed size
 Small (<200 beds) 2139 187 8.70 7.6–10.0
 Medium (201–400 beds) 12,382 1188 9.60 9.1–10.1 %
 Large (>400 beds) 27,069 2853 10.50 10.2–10.9 %
Trauma hospital designation
 Trauma hospital 26,006 2648 10.20 9.9–10.6 %
 Non-trauma hospital 14,778 1529 10.30 9.9–10.8 %

All total patient columns do not add up to the same value due to missing data