Figure 3. Transistor switching thresholds are depicted for magnetic beads.
The experimental switching efficiency in the dynamic transistor tests is shown for the repulsive mode (a) and attractive mode (b) for driving frequencies of 0.2 Hz (blue), 0.5 Hz (red), and 0.8 Hz (black). In these dynamic tests, the rotating field magnitude is Hext=45Oe. The experimental switching thresholds in the static transistor tests for the repulsive mode (c) and attractive mode (d) are shown for device geometries of d=8μm and λ=6.5μm (green bars), d=10μm and λ=7μm (black bars), d=10μm and λ=8μm (red bars), d=10μm and λ=9μm (blue bars). Theoretical results presented in (e,f), correspond to the transistor mode types of (c,d) respectively.