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. 2015 Nov 11;8:666. doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-1664-0

Table 2.

Regression analysis showing associated factors for TB/HIV co-infection, Northeastern Amhara, Ethiopia, 2015

Predictor variables TB–HIV confection COR (95 % CI), P value AOR (95 % CI), P value
Yes N (%) No N (%) Total N
 Female 113 (25.7) 326 (74.3) 439 1.2 (0.9–1.6), 0.2 1.2 (0.9–1.6), 0.17
 Male 123 (22.3) 428 (77.7) 551 1
 ≤24 44 (13.5) 282 (86.5) 326 0.9 (0.57–1.6), 0.85 0.9 (0.57–1.6), 0.85
 25–45 163 (29.4) 295 (70.6) 418 3.4 (2–5), 0.00 3.4 (2–5), 0.00
 ≥46 29 (14.1) 177 (85.9) 206 1 1
Types of TB
 PTB+ 71 (36.2) 125 (63.8) 196 2.8 (1.9–4), 0.00 2.2 (1.4–3.3), 0.00
 PTB− 87 (26.2) 245 (73.8) 332 1.7 (1.2–2.5), 0.002 1.9 (1.3–2.8), 001
 EPTB 78 (16.9) 384 (83.1) 462 1 1
TB treatment outcome
 Unknown 4 (36.4) 7 (63.6) 11 2 (0.58–6.98), 0.26 2 (0.56–7.3), 0.23
 Transfer out 5 (16.7) 25 (83.3) 30 0.7 (0.26–1.8), 0.48 0.64 (0.23–1.75), 0.38
 Poor 39 (40.6) 57 (59.4) 96 2.4 (1.56–3.75), 0.00 2 (1.2–3.1), 0.003
Success 188 (22) 665 (78) 853 1 1

AOR adjusted odds ratio, ART antiretroviral therapy, COR crude odds ratio, CPT co-trimoxazole preventive therapy, EPTB extra pulmonary TB, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, PTB− smears negative pulmonary TB, PTB+ smear-positive pulmonary TB, TB tuberculosis