Fig 1. Stimulus paradigm and two possible percepts.
A: Repeating ABA- triplet sequences (two triplets shown) consist of higher frequency pure tones A interleaved with lower frequency pure tones B of duration TD separated by a frequency difference Δf. The time between tone onsets (dashed vertical lines) is inverse of the presentation rate 1/PR (the “-” in “ABA-” represents a silence of duration 1/PR). Throughout this paper tone duration will be set to TD = 1/PR such that offset of an A tone abuts the onset of the next B tone. B: The stimulus is perceived as either integrated into a single stream ABA-ABA- or as two separate streams A-A-A-A- and -B---B--. C: Subject reports of integrated and segregated from a single 4-minute trial (480 triplets) at Δf = 5 st and PR = 8 Hz.