Figure 2.
Slice through a simplified model for a cell within a plane-parallel slab of material, e.g., amorphous ice. (a) A biological cell (region Ri, medium gray, diameter D) is immersed into a plane-parallel slab of material (light gray, thickness d). The width L of the slab in the x direction is assumed to be much larger than D and thus extends outside the figure area. (b) With d < D, a large fraction of the cell (region Ri, medium gray) is still contained within the slab, but a small fraction protrudes from it (region Ro, dark gray). Slices are shown parallel to the x,z plane. (Dashed green line in a and b) Extension of the modeled slab, i.e., the support of ρm(x,z). (Dotted horizontal line in b) Separation between the homogeneous and inhomogeneous component of ρm(x,z).