Study design
Type of study (e.g. case-control; case-only; cross-sectional; longitudinal)
Recruitment method, site and time-frame
Dates and time intervals of data collection
Randomization protocol (when employed)
Primary and secondary outcomes
Language(s) used to collect data
Statistical methods
Ethical review
Demographics of study population
Age, race, ethnicity, sex
Educations, socioeconomic status
Body mass index
Marital status, children, living arrangements
Employment/disability status
Mode of onset of illness(e.g., acute, gradual; definition used to determine)
Duration of illness
Factors that exacerbate or trigger illness (desirable)
Case definition
Specify case definition used for enrollment and methods used to apply definition
Cite reference for questionnaires and scoring, or provide copies and scoring algorithm in supplementary material
Symptom inventory
Include all case defining symptoms, frequency and severity
Include reference to questionnaire and scoring method, or provide copy in supplemental material
Medical and psychiatric exclusions and co-morbidities
Screening laboratory tests and cut-off values for exclusion
Exclusionary medical and psychiatric conditions - method of ascertainment
Methods used to evaluate controls for medical/psychiatric conditions
List of co-morbid conditions in study population
Current medications
Self-reported functional impairment/levels of activity