Figure 2. SET overexpression is sufficient to induce pathological changes in normal prostate epithelium.
(a) Prostate tissue regenerations were constructed using normal (Wt) murine prostate epithelium infected with high titer SET lenti virus (SET-FUCRW) combined with urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGSM). (b) SET lenti viral infected prostate cells generate larger grafts than control grafts (SET-FUCRW = 104.0 g, control = 38.6 g, p < 0.05) and displayed higher proliferation (SET graft = 17% Ki67, control 1%, p < 0.001). (c) SET lenti infected prostate cells generated grafts with pathologies encompassing hyperplasia to low grade PIN (Fig. 2c–d) (see also Fig S6a, b).