Figure 5. WASP/Myosin engineered protein can be simplified to contain only motor, TH1, PRR and NPF domains.
(A) Diagram of all truncations of the Myo5-Las17 fusion protein analyzed in this Figure.
(B) Growth of Myo5-Las17 fusion protein variants on YPD, as described in Figure 1D.
(C) Kymographs of representative endocytic patches from cells expressing Sla1-GFP and Abp1-RFP and the indicated Myo5-Las17 variant indicated below. In all cells analyzed, the entire WASP/Myosin complex has been deleted and Myo5 has been replaced by the Myo5-Las17 fusion protein or fusion protein variant.
(D) Proportion of Sla1-GFP patches that internalize, as described in Figure 1C. See also Figure S5.