Fig. 6. The effect of induced expression of KRASG12V on ROS and DNA damage in lung epithelial cells.
Lung epithelial BEAS-2B1 cells were engineered to express KRASG12V under the control of IPTG. We monitored the relative ROS level by H2DCF-DA after induced expression of KRASG12V for 24 hours. NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, 10 mmol/L) was used to decrease the ROS level. A: Changes in the levels of H2DCF-DA in cultured cells under different conditions. B: The levels of DNA damage as shown by COMET assay. Tail moment was used to express level of DNA damage. In the presence of NAC, KRASG12V failed to induce tail moment, suggesting that KRASG12V induces DNA damage through ROS production. * indicates statistical significance from other groups (P value < 0.05).