Fig. 2. Age-related variation in risks of T. parva infection, clinical illness, and death from ECF.
(A) Empirical estimates of (i) hazard of seroconversion to T. parva (18), with censoring of non–T. parva–related deaths and adjusted for a 14-day delay between infection and a detectable antibody response; (ii) case fatality rate (probability of death conditional on infection, CF); (iii) net clinical rate (probability of death or ECF-like illness conditional on infection, CL). In contrast to hazard, CF and CL both decrease with age (Poisson regression: F1,8 = 10.4, P = 0.012 and F1,8 = 57.7, P < 0.001, respectively). (B) Model-predicted estimates for hazard and corresponding predictions for CF and CL with age. Model equations are given in Materials and Methods; parameter estimates are as in Table 3.