Sources of general health information |
Please tell us where you get most of your information about health. |
Sources of CRC screening information |
Where have you heard information about colon cancer? |
CRC risk perception |
Some people know almost nothing about colon cancer risk in African Americans, and others know a lot. What do you know about the risk of colon cancer in African Americans? |
CRC risk perception |
At the start of this focus group, I asked you to complete a survey. Let's take a look at the responses. Most of the people in this group believe they are at [low/medium/high] risk for colorectal cancer. Why do you think that is? |
Barriers to CRC screening |
I'd like to talk about what encourages and discourages people like you from getting screened. First, what discouraged you from getting screened? |
Facilitators to Screening |
Many people find it difficult to get screened, yet all of you were able to do so. What helped you get screened? |
Desired mode of CRC interventions |
Statistically, African Americans over 45 years old are at the highest risk for colon cancer. Colonoscopy screening is one of the best ways to identify early signs of cancer before it's serious. Knowing this information now, what would be the best way to share this with other people like you? |
Desired content for CRC interventions |
We want more African Americans to get screened for colon cancer, and we need your help to make that happen. What information would you need to know to make a decision about getting screened? |