Selected slices of SRR image (a), and resampled axial (b), coronal (c), and the average of axial and coronal images (d) of ten TSC patients. This figure shows that the details of the anatomy and the radial hyperintensity lines of white matter abnormalities were much better delineated with SRR as compared to the original and average scans in 9 out of 10 cases. Uncompensated motion between the scans in C10 compromised the quality of SRR. The squares in this figure highlight the structures that were visualized with details on the SRR images but were severely affected by partial voluming effects in the axial images. Some of these structures were severely affected by partial voluming in both coronal and axial images. Circles, on the other hand, highlight some of the structures that were visualized with details on the SRR and axial images but were severely affected by partial voluming in the coronal image.