Patches Are Made of Packed Snf7 Spirals
(A) AFM topographic image of the center of a Snf7 patch.
(B) Histogram of the number of neighbors per assembly.
(C) Histogram of the average outer radii of Snf7 assemblies. The average radius is 123 nm ± 33 nm.
(D) Histogram of the innermost circle radii. The average radius is 18 nm ± 3 nm.
(E) Histogram of the inter-circle distance. The average distance is b = 17 nm ± 3 nm.
(F) TEM image of a negatively stained, Snf7-coated LUV.
(G) TEM images of Snf7 rings, single (upper row) and double (lower row) stranded.
(H) Top: TEM image of a single Snf7 spiral. The Snf7 filament is underlined in green (resp. red) when double stranded (resp. single stranded). Bottom: color code of the filament path from the most inner turn (red) to the most outer turn (purple). See also Figure S2D.
(I) AFM images of connections between filaments: 1 to 3, split filaments connecting two spirals – 4 and 5, filament split within a spiral – 6, a spiral filament.
(J) High resolution AFM topographic image of Snf7 filament splitting and branching within a single Snf7 spiral.
See also Figure S2.