Table 2.
Mechanism Isolated | ON Response | OFF Response |
UV + S | (UV, S, L) (M) | (UV, S, M) (L) |
M | (UV, S, M) (L) | (S) UV, M (L) |
M + L | (UV, M) S (L) | (UV, S, M, L) |
L | (UV, S, L) (M) | (UV, S) (M, L) |
Significant difference present only between mechanisms enclosed in different sets of parentheses. No significant difference within sets of parentheses or between groups in parentheses and mechanism not enclosed in parentheses. λs of mechanisms analyzed: UV, 380 nm; S, 420 nm; M, 520 nm; and L, 630 nm. Adapted, with permission, from Beaudet (1997).