Table 2.
Anatomical parcellation of the brain and their abbreviations used for the ADNI data.
Region | Abbreviation | Region | Abbreviation |
Precentral | PreCG | Frontal inf orb | ORBinf |
Frontal sup | SFGdor | Cuneus | CUN |
Supp motor area | SMA | Occipital sup | SOG |
Frontal sup medial | SFGmed | Postcentral | PoCG |
Frontal mid | MFG | Parietal sup | SPG |
Frontal med orb | ORBsupmed | Parietal inf | IPL |
Supramarginal | SMG | Angular | ANG |
Caudate | CAU | Thalamus | THA |
Temporal pole sup | TPOsup | Cerebellum3 | CRBL3 |
Vermis3 | Vermis3 |