Table 1.
Publications included in the synthesis
Journal title | First author: year of publication | Health condition | Country of study |
From dictatorship to a reluctant democracy: stroke therapists talking about self-management. | Norris M: 2014 | Stroke | UK |
Implementing home blood glucose and blood pressure telemonitoring in primary care practices for patients with diabetes: lessons learned. | Koopman RJ: 2014 | Type 2 diabetes | USA |
Integrating a tailored e-health self-management application for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients into primary care: a pilot study. | Voncken-Brewster V 2014 | COPD | Netherland |
Barriers and facilitators to self-monitoring of blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes using insulin: a qualitative study. | Ong WM: 2014 | Type 2 diabetes | Malaysia |
Faith wellness collaboration: a community-based approach to address Type II diabetes disparities in an African-American community. | Austin SA: 2014 | Type 2 diabetes | USA |
Why less may be more: a mixed methods study of the work and relatedness of ‘weak ties’ in supporting long-term condition self-management. | Rogers A: 2014 | Chronic cardiac disease | England: UK |
What matters to older people with assisted living needs? A phenomenological analysis of the use and non-use of telehealth and telecare. | Greenhalgh T: 2013 | Multi-morbidity—old age | London and Manchester: UK |
Barriers and facilitators to diabetes self-management: perspectives of older community dwellers and health professionals in China. | Shen H: 2013 | Type 2 diabetes | China |
Does telemonitoring in heart failure empower patients for self-care? A qualitative study. | Riley J: 2013 | Heart failure | West London: UK |
Home telehealth: facilitators, barriers, and impact of nurse support among high-risk dialysis patients. | Minatodani DE: 2013 | End-stage renal disease | Hawaii |
‘It is not going to change his life but it has picked him up’: a qualitative study of perspectives on long term oxygen therapy for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. | Goldbart J: 2013 | Long-term oxygen therapy | England: UK |
Experiences of patients and professionals participating in the HITS home blood pressure telemonitoring trial: a qualitative study. | Hanley J: 2013 | Blood pressure | Scotland: UK |
2-year follow-up to STeP trial shows sustainability of structured self-monitoring of blood glucose utilization: results from the STeP practice logistics and usability survey (STeP PLUS). | Friedman K: 2013 | Type 2 diabetes | USA |
Is Europe putting theory into practice? A qualitative study of the level of self-management support in chronic care management approaches. | Elissen A: 2013 | Various chronic conditions: cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory illness, diabetes etc. | Austria, Denmark, England, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland |
Self-care in primary care: findings from a longitudinal comparison study. | Bagnall AM: 2013 | Practice-based intervention | UK |
GP support for self-care: the views of people experiencing long-term back pain. | MacKichan F: 2013 | Long-term back pain | UK |
Technology as system innovation: a key informant interview study of the application of the diffusion of innovation model to telecare. | Sugarhood P: 2013 | Various conditions | UK |
Internet-enabled pulmonary rehabilitation and diabetes education in group settings at home: a preliminary study of patient acceptability. | Burkow PM: 2013 | COPD diabetes | Norway |
Spanning boundaries into remote communities: an exploration of experiences with telehealth chronic disease self-management programs in rural Northern Ontario, Canada. | Guilcher SJ: 2013 | Various: chronic lung disease, heart disease, stroke, arthritis | Canada |
What happens when patients know more than their doctors? Experiences of health interactions after diabetes patient education: a qualitative patient-led study. | Snow R: 2013 | Types 1 and 2 diabetes | UK |
Exploring telemonitoring and self-management by patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study embedded in a randomized controlled trial. | Fairbrother P: 2013 | COPD | Scotland: UK |
Care networking: a study of technical mediations in a home telecare service. | Correa G: 2013 | Multi-morbidity—old age | Spain |
Harnessing different motivational frames via mobile phones to promote daily physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in aging adults. | King AC: 2013 | Sedentary behaviour | USA |
‘Getting the balance between encouragement and taking over’: reflections on using a new stroke self-management programme. | Jones F: 2013 | Stroke | UK |
Patients’ use of self-monitored readings for managing everyday life with COPD: a qualitative study. | Huniche L: 2013 | COPD | Denmark |
Ethical implications of home telecare for older people: a framework derived from a multisited participative study. | Mort M: 2013 | Multi-morbid | England, Norway,The Netherlands, Spain |
Patients’ experiences of shared decision making in primary care practices in the United Kingdom. | Fulwood C: 2013 | Diabetes, COPD, IBS | UK |
Chronic disease self-management and health literacy in four ethnic groups. | Shaw SJ: 2012 | Various chronic conditions | USA |
Remote participants’ experiences with a group-based stroke self-management program using videoconference technology. | Taylor DM: 2012 | Stroke | Canada |
Patients’ experiences of self-monitoring blood pressure and self-titration of medication: the TASMINH2 trial qualitative study. | Jones MI: 2012 | Blood pressure, hypertension | UK |
An organisational analysis of the implementation of telecare and telehealth: the whole systems demonstrator. | Hendy J: 2012 | Multi-morbidities | Cornwall, Kent, Newhall: UK |
Factors affecting acceptability and usability of technological approaches to diabetes self-management: a case study. | Vuong AM: 2012 | Diabetes | USA |
Diabetes connect: an evaluation of patient adoption and engagement in a web-based remote glucose monitoring program. | Jethwani K: 2012 | Diabetes | USA |
Supporting health behaviour change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with telephone health-mentoring: insights from a qualitative study. | Walter JA: 2012 | COPD | |
Mental health and relational self-management experiences of patients with type 2 diabetes and stage 3 chronic kidney disease. | Sakraida TJ: 2012 | Type 2 diabetes and stage 3 chronic kidney disease | USA |
Self-management experiences among men and women with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative analysis. | Mathew R: 2012 | Type 2 diabetes | Toronto: Canada |
Perceptions of effective self-care support for children and young people with long-term conditions. | Kirk S: 2012 | Various chronic conditions | UK |
One step at a time: self-management and transitions among women with ovarian cancer. | Schulman-Green D: 2012 | Ovarian cancer | Connecticut, USA |
Perspectives of patients with type 1 or insulin-treated type 2 diabetes on self-monitoring ofblood glucose: a qualitative study. | Hortensius J: 2012 | Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes | The Netherlands |
Women’s experiences of factors that facilitate or inhibit gestational diabetes self-management. | Carolan M: 2012 | Gestational diabetes | Australia |
Social organization of self-management support of persons with diabetes: A health systems comparison. | Schiotz M: 2012 | Diabetes | USA, Denmark |
Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study. | Sander C: 2012 | Diabetes, COPD, heart failure, social care needs | Cornwall, Kent, Newham: UK |
Self-care agency and perceived health among people using advanced medical technology at home. | Fex A: 2012 | Diabetes, hypoxia, kidney disease, COPD, hypertension | Sweden |
Factors affecting home care patients’ acceptance of a web-based interactive self-management technology. | Calvin KL: 2011 | Chronic cardiac disease | USA |
What motivates Australian health service users with chronic illness to engage in self-management behaviour? | Jowsey T: 2011 | COPD, diabetes, chronic heart failure | Australia |
Why do GPs hesitate to refer diabetes patients to a self-management education program: a qualitative study. | Sunaert P: 2011 | Type 2 diabetes | Belgium |
Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: what needs to be done? | May CR: 2011 | Various conditions including COPD | UK |
Storylines of self-management: narratives of people with diabetes from a multiethnic inner city. | Greenhalgh T: 2011 | Diabetes (not specified type) | UK |
Self-monitoring technologies for type 2 diabetes and the prevention of cardiovascular complications: perspectives from end users. | Chudyk A: 2011 | Type 2 diabetes | London, Ontario, Canada |
Participants’ perceptions of the factors that influence diabetes self-management following a structured education (DAFNE) programme. | Murphy K: 2011 | Type 1 diabetes | Ireland |
Patient engagement with a diabetes self-management intervention. | Lidenmeyer A: 2010 | Diabetes | UK |
Determining clinical and psychological benefits and barriers with continuous glucose monitoring therapy. | Halford J: 2010 | Diabetes type 1 | Idaho Falls, USA |
Technology enhanced practice for patients with chronic cardiac disease Home Implementation and Evaluation. | Brennan PF: 2010 | Chronic cardiac disease | Milwaukee, Wisconson: USA |
User acceptance of an Internet training aid for migraine self-management. | Sorbi MJ: 2010 | Migraine | The Netherlands |
Lessons learned from a collaborative to improve care for patients with diabetes in 17 community health centers, Massachusetts, 2006. | Lemay CA: 2010 | Diabetes | Massachusetts: USA |
Experiences of self-monitoring: successes and struggles during treatment for weight loss | Burke LE: 2009 | Weight loss | USA |
Barriers and facilitators to chronic pain self-management: a qualitative study of primary care patients with comorbid musculoskeletal pain and depression. | Bair MJ: 2009 | Comorbid musculoskeletal pain and depression | Indianapolis: USA |
Are some more equal than others? Social comparison in self-management skills training for long-term conditions. | Rogers A: 2009 | Conditions receiving self-management education | UK |