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. 2015 Sep 16;17(12):1145–1154. doi: 10.1111/hpb.12475

Table 2.

Utilization of operative strategies for pancreatoenteric reconstruction, stratified by region

Variable Asia/Australia Europe/Africa/ Middle East North America South/Central America Overall P-value
Surgeons, n (%) 209 (23.5%) 273 (30.6%) 282 (31.6%) 127 (14.3) 891#
Preferred anastomotic reconstruction
 Pancreatojejunostomy 185 (88.5%) 221 (81.0%) 268 (96.4%) 111 (88.8%) 785 (88.7%) <0.001a
  End-to-side duct-to-mucosa 133 (63.6%) 169 (61.9%) 220 (79.1%) 76 (60.8%) 598 (67.6%)
  End-to-side invagination/dunking 32 (15.3%) 35 (12.8%) 29 (10.4%) 10 (8.0%) 106 (12.0%)
  End-to-end invagination/dunking 15 (7.2%) 7 (2.6%) 17 (6.1%) 20 (16.0%) 59 (6.7%)
  End-to-end binding 5 (2.4%) 10 (3.7%) 2 (0.7%) 5 (4.0%) 22 (2.5%)
 Pancreatogastrostomy 21 (10.0%) 45 (16.5%) 9 (3.2%) 11 (8.8%) 86 (9.7%)
  Duct-to-mucosa 7 (3.3%) 7 (2.6%) 2 (0.7%) 5 (4.0%) 21 (2.4%)
  Invagination/dunking 14 (6.7%) 38 (13.9%) 7 (2.5%) 6 (4.8%) 65 (7.3%)
 No reconstruction (ductal occlusion) 0 2 (0.7%) 1 (0.4%) 0 3 (0.3%)
 Other 3 (1.4%) 5 (1.8%) 0 3 (2.4%) 11 (1.2%)
Same type of pancreatoenteric reconstruction on every case
 No – variable according to the circumstance of the case 66 (31.6%) 110 (40.4%) 87 (31.3%) 53 (42.1%) 316 (35.7%) 0.032
 Yes – same technique every time 143 (68.4%) 162 (59.6%) 191 (68.7%) 73 (57.9%) 569 (64.3%)
Suture technique
 Single layer 48 (23.1%) 104 (38.1%) 30 (10.8%) 36 (28.6%) 218 (24.6%) <0.001
 Double layer 160 (76.9%) 169 (61.9%) 249 (89.2%) 90 (71.4%) 668 (75.4%)
Suture type – if inner layer (duct-to-mucosa)
 Absorbable monofilament (e.g. PDS, Maxon, Monocryl) 154 (75.5%) 176 (68.5%) 221 (79.5%) 75 (59.5%) 626 (72.4%) <0.001
 Absorbable braided (e.g. vicryl) 16 (7.8%) 13 (5.1%) 28 (10.1%) 16 (12.7%) 73 (8.4%)
 Non-absorbable braided (e.g. silk, polyester) 8 (3.9%) 24 (9.3%) 5 (1.8%) 8 (6.3%) 45 (5.2%)
 Other (e.g. catgut, chromic) 6 (2.9%) 5 (1.9%) 12 (4.3%) 15 (11.9%) 38 (4.4%)
 Do not perform an inner layer 20 (9.8%) 39 (15.2%) 12 (4.3%) 12 (9.5%) 83 (9.6%)
Suture type – if outer layer (pancreatic capsule-to-bowel)
 Absorbable monofilament (e.g. PDS, Maxon, Monocryl) 97 (46.9%) 136 (50.6%) 47 (17.0%) 40 (31.5%) 320 (36.4%) <0.001
 Absorbable braided (e.g. vicryl) 14 (6.8%) 24 (8.9%) 33 (12.0%) 27 (21.3%) 98 (11.1%)
 Non-absorbable braided (e.g. silk, polyester) 69 (33.3%) 80 (29.7%) 178 (64.5%) 31 (24.4%) 358 (40.7%)
 Other (e.g. catgut, chromic) 21 (10.1%) 10 (3.7%) 13 (4.7%) 27 (21.3%) 71 (8.1%)
 I do not perform an outer layer 6 (2.9%) 19 (7.1%) 5 (1.8%) 2 (1.6%) 32 (3.6%)
 Never 128 (61.8%) 150 (56.2%) 185 (66.5%) 88 (69.8%) 551 (62.8%) 0.001
 Occasionally (1–25%) 52 (25.1%) 65 (24.3%) 77 (27.7%) 28 (22.2%) 222 (25.3%)
 Sometimes (26–75%) 9 (4.3%) 14 (5.2%) 8 (2.9%) 2 (1.6%) 33 (3.8%)
 Frequently (76–99%) 12 (5.8%) 22 (8.2%) 4 (1.4%) 3 (2.4%) 41 (4.7%)
 Always 6 (2.9%) 16 (6.0%) 4 (1.4%) 5 (4.0%) 31 (3.5%)
Dunking or invagination
 Never 86 (41.7%) 107 (39.9%) 94 (33.9%) 40 (32.5%) 327 (37.4%) 0.034
 Occasionally (1–25%) 55 (26.7%) 80 (29.9%) 117 (42.2%) 41 (33.3%) 293 (33.5%)
 Sometimes (26–75%) 10 (4.9%) 8 (3.0%) 14 (5.1%) 8 (6.5%) 40 (4.6%)
 Frequently (76–99%) 32 (15.5%) 42 (15.7%) 27 (9.7%) 21 (17.1%) 122 (14.0%)
 Always 23 (11.2%) 31 (11.6%) 25 (9.0%) 13 (10.6%) 92 (10.5%)
Duct occlusion
 Never 192 (93.7%) 231 (88.5%) 255 (92.7%) 113 (91.9%) 791 (91.6%) 0.068
 Occasionally (1–25%) 8 (3.9%) 26 (10.0%) 20 (7.3%) 6 (4.9%) 60 (6.9%)
 Sometimes (26–75%) 3 (1.5%) 1 (0.4%) 0 3 (2.4%) 7 (0.8%)
 Frequently (76–99%) 1 (0.5%) 2 (0.8%) 0 0 3 (0.3%)
 Always 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.4%) 0 1 (0.8%) 3 (0.3%)
Isolated Roux limb
 Never 152 (74.5%) 166 (62.6%) 227 (81.7%) 49 (39.2%) 594 (68.1%) <0.001
 Occasionally (1–25%) 31 (15.2%) 57 (21.5%) 37 (13.3%) 31 (24.8%) 156 (17.9%)
 Sometimes (26–75%) 4 (2.0%) 10 (3.8%) 3 (1.1%) 7 (5.6%) 24 (2.8%)
 Frequently (76–99%) 9 (4.4%) 9 (3.4%) 6 (2.2%) 17 (13.6%) 41 (4.7%)
 Always 8 (3.9%) 23 (8.7%) 5 (1.8%) 21 (16.8%) 57 (6.5%)

< 0.001 even when comparing the condensed categorization of pancreatojejunostomy, pancreatogastrostomy, no reconstruction, and other.


Six surgeons did not indicate their region