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. 2015 Oct 19;7(11):1480–1502. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201505246

Table 2.

Association of the MICA-129 genotype with the outcome of HSCT

Cohort n = 452 Effect of MICA-129Meta Adjusted covariatesc
HR/OR 95%-CI P-value Risk modelb
Overall survival 0.77 [0.60, 0.99] 0.0445 additive MUD, TCD, diagnosis
Treatment-related mortality 0.51 [0.22, 1.07] 0.0907 recessive MUD, TCD, diagnosis
Mortality due to aGVHD 0.57 [0.32, 0.95] 0.0400 additive MUD, TCD, diagnosis
Mortality due to relapse 1.64 [0.71, 4.01] 0.2607 additive MUD, TCD, FtoM, diagnosis
Occurrence of aGVHD 1.92 [1.05, 3.63] 0.0371 recessive MUD, TCD, diagnosis
Severity of aGVHDd 0.55 [0.23, 1.21] 0.1570 recessive MUD, TCD, diagnosis
Occurrence of cGVHD 1.30 [0.96, 1.77] 0.0884 additive MUD, TCD, TBI, diagnosis
Occurrence of relapse 0.87 [0.61, 1.23] 0.4313 additive MUD, TBI, diagnosis
w/o T-cell depletion n = 197e Effect of MICA-129Meta Effect of no T-cell depletionf
HR/OR 95%-CI P-value Risk modelb HR/OR P-value
Overall survival 0.67 [0.46, 0.98] 0.0382 additive 1.59 0.0165
Treatment-related mortality 0.35 [0.08,1.17] 0.1220 recessive 1.60 0.0991
Mortality due to aGVHD 0.44 [0.18, 0.92] 0.0420 additive 2.16 0.0559
Mortality due to relapse 3.43 [0.82, 26.1] 0.1450 additive 4.92 0.0285
Occurrence of aGVHD 1.54 [0.59, 4.53] 0.4037 recessive 2.16 0.0011
Severity of aGVHDd 0.30 [0.06, 1.02] 0.0768 recessive 1.57 0.1720
Occurrence of cGVHD 1.18 [0.76, 1.81] 0.4600 additive 2.59 0.0001
Occurrence of relapse 0.65 [0.37, 1.11] 0.1257 additive 1.01 0.9670
T-cell depletion n = 252e Effect of MICA-129Meta Effect of T-cell depletionf
HR/OR 95%-CI P-value Risk modelb HR/OR P-value
Overall survival 0.88 [0.62, 1.25] 0.4821 additive 0.63 0.0165
Treatment-related mortality 0.65 [0.22, 1.61] 0.3799 recessive 0.62 0.0991
Mortality due to aGVHD 0.71 [0.31, 1.50] 0.3941 additive 0.46 0.0559
Mortality due to relapse 1.68 [0.45, 7.60] 0.4565 additive 0.20 0.0285
Occurrence of aGVHD 2.46 [1.13, 5.66] 0.0271 recessive 0.46 0.0011
Severity of aGVHDd 0.89 [0.29, 2.52] 0.8365 recessive 0.64 0.1720
Occurrence of cGVHD 1.44 [0.92, 2.25] 0.1039 additive 0.39 0.0001
Occurrence of relapse 1.14 [0.71, 1.81] 0.5720 additive 0.99 0.9670

Significant effects (HR/OR) with P-values ≤ 0.05 are highlighted in bold.


For each outcome, statistics are given for the most powerful genetic model. A recessive MICA-129 effect was quantified for the Met/Met genotype compared to the pooled Val/Met and Val/Val genotypes. An additive MICA-129 effect was quantified per Met allele.


In addition, all analyses were adjusted for a binary indicator distinguishing whether patient and donor had the same MICA-129 genotype or not. The following abbreviations for covariates are used: FtoM, female donor for male recipient; MUD, HLA-matched unrelated donor; TBI, total body irradiation; and TCD, T-cell-depleting treatment. Analyses for the strata not receiving (w/o T-cell depletion) and receiving ATG (T-cell depletion) were adjusted for the same covariates except for TCD.


To analyze severity of aGVHD, grades I and II were compared versus grades III and IV.


Three patients were omitted in the stratified analyses because of missing information on T-cell depletion.


Effects of applying or not applying a T-cell-depleting treatment with ATG were analyzed irrespective of the MICA genotype with adjustment for the relevant covariates to confirm the expected effects of applying or omitting ATG treatment on outcome in the cohort. The HR/OR in these strata are reciprocal values having the same P-value.