Figure 6. Neurons involved in related proprioceptive-motor pathways are unaffected in Atoh1 CKO mice.
(A-C’’) Clarke’s column (Vglut1 mRNA, A-A’’), proprioceptive afferents (PV Ab, B-B’’), and motor neurons (HB9 Ab, C-C’’) are unchanged in the Atoh1 CKO mice at P10 (A’’, B’’, and C‘’, counts from 6 representative sections per spinal cord region for each genotype, n=3 spinal cords from 2 litters: cervical (C5-8), thoracic (T1-13), and lumbar (L1-3); control (black), Atoh1 CKO (white); mean ± SEM). Lower thoracic sections shown. (D-E’) The cerebella of control versus Atoh1 CKO mice looks grossly normal in a hematoxylin and eosin stain of a midline sagittal section (D-D’) and a lateral sagittal section (E-E’). (F-F’’) A subset of Atoh1-lineage neurons can be detectably transfated to a FOXP2+ PAX2− population in Atoh1 null embryos (Atoh1Cre/Δ, arrows). However, the percentage of FOXP2+ PAX2− cells out of total FOXP2+ cells is not significantly different (F’’, counts from 8 representative T8-13 sections per n=3 spinal cords for each genotype from 2 litters, 58 ± 1% vs. 61 ± 1 %, p~0.1, mean ± SEM). Scale bar is 100 μm in A’-C’, F-F’, and 500 μm for D-E’.