Neighbor-joining tree constructed using the alignment of MeaA with the amino acid sequences of the oxidation components of some characterized FDMs. The branches corresponding to partitions reproduced in <50% of the bootstrap replicates are collapsed. The names of the strains and proteins are displayed in the phylogenetic tree. The oxygenase components and their accession numbers are as follows: MeaA, KP752077; C2-hpaH, AY566612; HsaA, Q0S811; NcnH, AAG44124; TcpA, AAM55214; HpaB, YP003001901; PheA1, ABS30825; and CndA, KJ461679. CndA belongs to the oxygenase component of a Rieske non-heme iron monooxygenase and was used to provide a frame of reference for the phylogeny. R. erythropolis, Rhodococcus erythropolis.