Fig. 2. 38-year-old man with neuroendocrine tumor (not shown) in pancreas tail.
Images are cropped to focus on pancreas. A. Full field-of-view (FOV) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) sequence at b = 0 s/mm2. Margin of pancreas is blurred and duct is not visible. Normal lobulated appearance of pancreas is hardly recognizable. B. Full FOV DWI at b = 500 s/mm2. C. Corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map of full FOV DWI. D. Reduced FOV DWI at b = 0 s/mm2. Note that lobulated appearance of pancreas border and pancreatic duct are more clearly visualized on reduced FOV image. E. Reduced FOV DWI at b = 400 s/mm2. F. Corresponding ADC map of reduced FOV DWI.