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. 2015 Jul 30;290(38):23432–23446. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.672006



S-mTFD-MPPB-binding sites at subunit interfaces within the transmembrane domain of an α1β3γ2 GABAAR. A–F, views are shown of an α1β3γ2 GABAAR homology model built using the β3 GABAAR crystal structure (PDB 4COF), with subunits color-coded (α1, light yellow; β3, light blue; and γ2, green), and amino acids of interest shown in stick representation, color-coded to match their colors in the primary structure alignment of the M1-M3 region of the three subunits (G). Views from the side (A) and of the TMD from the ECD-TMD interface (B) include the locations of GABA- (blue) and benzodiazepine (BZD, purple)-binding sites in the ECD and the pharmacologically distinct binding sites in the TMD for S-mTFD-MPPB at the γ+ (yellow), β+ (olive), and α+ (brown) interfaces. Illustrated in C, E and D, F are details of the pockets at γ+ and β+ interfaces, respectively, viewed from the lipid (C and D) and from the base of the ECD (E and F). The residues photolabeled by S-[3H]mTFD-MPPB (γ2Ser-280 (γM2–15′), β3Met-227 and β3Leu-231, β3Thr-262, β3Met-286, β3Phe-289, and α1Met-236) are shown in stick representation, as well as two residues (gray) that are not photolabeled as follows: γ2Phe-304, at the γ+ interface in a position equivalent to β3Phe-289 at the β+ interface, and β3Asn-265 (βM2–15′) at the β+ interface, an in vitro and in vivo sensitivity determinant for the GABAAR potentiating and anesthetic effects of etomidate and propofol (9, 38). Also included in C–F are the Connolly surfaces enclosing the 10 lowest energy docking solutions for S-mTFD-MPPB at each interface pocket. The volume within the Connolly surfaces at the γ+ and β+ interfaces are 590 and 420 Å3, respectively, and 315 Å3 for a single molecule. C and E, S-mTFD-MPPB is shown in stick representation at the γ+ interface in a low energy solution (CDocker interaction energy −38.3 kcal/mol) with the diazirine ∼3 Å from γ2Ser-280 (M2–15′), the GABAAR amino acid photolabeled most efficiently (+bicuculline). R-[3H]mTFD-MPAB photolabels β3Met-227 but not γ2Ser-280. At the β+ interface, [3H]azietomidate photolabels β3Met-286 and α1Met-236 (21, 22).