Structural comparison of LPMO9s. a, superposition of PcGH61D (green; PDB code 4B5Q) with NcLPMO9C-N (colored as in Fig. 2). b, comparison of protruding surface residues in NcLPMO9C (colored as in a) with residues at equivalent positions in C1-oxidizing PcLPMO9D (green). b is rotated 90° along the horizontal axis compared with a. c and d, superposition of the copper sites of seven LPMO9s with known structure; C1, C1/C4, and C4 oxidizers are colored green, yellow, and magenta, respectively. The orientation shown in c is similar to that in a, whereas the orientation in d resembles that of b. Residue numbers refer to NcLPMO9C, with the exception of green labels in b, which refer to PcLPMO9D. The copper in NcLPMO9C is shown as a cyan sphere in all panels.