DISC1 regulation of synaptic inhibition requires KIF5. A, cumulative plots of mIPSC amplitudes in cultured cortical pyramidal neurons transfected with control or KLC1 siRNA. Note that KLC1 knockdown caused a leftward shift in the distribution of mIPSC amplitudes, indicative of a reduction of mIPSC sizes. B and C, cumulative plots of mIPSC amplitudes in neurons transfected with control (con) or DISC1 shRNA in the presence of KLC1 siRNA (B) or dominant-negative (DN) KIF5C (C). E, cumulative plots of mIPSC amplitudes in neurons with or without FL-DISC1 transfection in the presence of DN-KIF5C. Insets (A–C and E), representative mIPSC traces. D and F, summary (mean ± S.E.) of mIPSC amplitudes in neurons with different transfections. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; NS, not significant; analysis of variance.