Summary of SNPs analyzed by filtering phylogenetic alignments for similar intron/exon architecture
“Splice altering SNPs” represent SNPs that did not occur in the alignment of organisms with similar intron/exon architecture or, if they occurred, only occurred alongside other mutations within a 6-mer (possible compensatory mutations). “Neutral SNPs” were SNPs that had SNP occurrences without mutations in the surrounding hexamer. The classes of coding exons and exons derived from non-coding genes or single exon genes' exons were found to be independent by a χ2 test (p < 0.05). The SNP identities for all groups are listed in supplemental Table S1.
Data set | Splice altering SNPs | Neutral SNPs |
Disease associated and random synonymous SNPs | 45% (29) | 55% (36) |
Randomly selected noncoding exonic or single exon SNPs | 30% (34) | 70% (80) |
p < 0.05 between the two SNP datasets |