(a) Diagram of the genes and primer locations used for ChIP. (b) Occupancy of Mediator subunits MED26, MED23 and MED1 at a subset of snRNA genes including RNU1, RNU4, RNU5 and U6, and c-Myc genes. Ct values of each ChIP were normalized to that of input. Data points are the average of three independent experiments, and error bars show s.d.. The P values for the indicated comparisons were determined by Student’s t test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01). (c) Colocalization of MED26 (red) with coilin (green) in Cajal bodies. HeLa cells were fixed by methanol and stained with anti-MED26 and anti-Coilin antibodies. Scale bars, 2 µm.