The ETEC minor pilin LngB is required for Longus pilus assembly. The indicated strains were grown in Terrific Broth. WCC and culture Sup were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. The WCC fraction represents the total protein, and the Sup fraction contains Longus pili that have been sheared off or have naturally shed from the cells. Blots were probed with anti-CofA (A) and anti-CofB antibodies (peptide 61–74) (B), which cross-react with LngA and LngB, respectively. Expression of LngB from plngB was induced with 0, 0.001, or 0.1% rhamnose (w/v), as indicated. Molecular masses of markers (MM) are indicated on the left along with protein bands. Each panel represents a single blot, allowing comparison of protein levels across the panel.