Identification of receptors captured by the binding motifs in the extracellular domains of Sdc1 and Sdc4.
A, MCF10A cell lysates are incubated overnight with 2 μm GST-S1EDΔ210–240 or GST-S1ED (bait) in the presence of 30 μm SSTN210–240, SSTN214–240, or SSTN210–236 (competitors), then the fusion proteins are captured on glutathione beads and subjected to Western blot analysis to probe for capture of HER2, EGFR, α6β4 integrin, or α3β1 integrin. The relative capture of HER2 versus α3β1 integrin in the presence of the peptides is quantified in the bar graph as a percentage of capture in the absence of peptide. (*, p < 0.01). B, MCF10A cell lysates are incubated overnight with 2 μm GST-S4EDΔ87–131 or GST-S4ED (bait) in the presence of 30 μm SSTN87–131, or SSTN89A,99–108A,125–131A (SSTN-triple alanine mutant (TAM), then the fusion proteins are captured on glutathione beads and subjected to Western blot analysis to probe for capture of HER2, EGFR, α6β4 integrin, or α3β1 integrin. The relative capture of EGFR versus α3β1 integrin in the presence of the peptides is quantified in the bar graph as a percentage of capture in the absence of peptide (*, p < 0.01).