(a, b) The ovarian tissues isolated from 14 dpp mice were cultured under 4 different conditions (C, A, M, M+A). On Days 0, 6 and 10 of culture, the growing follicle diameters (a) were measured. In all culture conditions, the advanced follicles increased their sizes on Day 6 (C vs A, M, M+A; P<0.01–0.05). On Day 10, the follicles reached 299–356 μm in all conditions (C vs A, M, M+A, A vs M, M+A, M vs M+A; P<0.05)., On Days 0, 6 and 10 of culture, oocytes were isolated from these follicles and measured their diameters (b). The oocytes increased their sizes in all conditions on Day 6 (C, A vs M, M+A; P<0.05). On Day 10, the isolated oocytes similarly reached full-size regardless of the conditions (A vs M, M+A; M vs M+A; P<0.05). All bar graphs show the mean ± SD.