Figure 1. Growth phase dependent polar localization of chemotaxis cluster III proteins.
(A) Schematic of chemotaxis cluster III. (B) Localization of ectopically expressed YFP-CheW1, CFP-CheW3, and YFP-CheA3 in cells from exponential (left) and stationary (right) phase cultures of wild type V. cholerae. (C, D) Localization of CFP-CheW3 in cluster III-deficient strain SR29 (C) and in SR36, a strain deleted for chemotaxis clusters I and II (D). Cells were grown to stationary phase. (E) Localization of YFP-CheW1 and CFP-CheW3 expressed from their respective native loci (in strain SR15) in stationary phase cells. Yellow arrowheads indicate cells with YFP-CheW1 and CFP-CheW3 localized to the same pole. White arrowheads indicate cells where YFP-CheW1 and CFP-CheW3 localize to opposite poles.