(A) Optical microscopy image of perovskite microplate crystals bridging prepatterned arrays of electrode pairs. Scale bar, 200 μm. (B) Typical I-V curve of a perovskite crystal under dark and light illumination. (Inset) Optical microscopy image of a perovskite crystal bridging two gold electrodes. The distance between the electrode pair is 8 μm. Scale bar, 20 μm. (C) Photocurrent versus incident light power of a typical device (source-drain voltage, 5 V). (Inset) Response speed of a typical two-probe device (laser illumination, 488 nm; power, 1.2 nW; source-drain voltage, 5 V). (D) Optical image of photodetector arrays with a U-shaped mask (U-shaped transparent area). (E) Schematic illustration of the device arrangement of photodetector arrays with a U-shaped mask under blue LED illumination (wavelength, 463 nm; power density, 600 μW/cm2). Red dots, devices with photocurrent; gray dots, devices without photocurrent. (F) Photocurrent mapping of photodetector arrays with a U-shaped mask under blue LED illumination. (G and H) Output (Vg = 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 V) (G) and transfer (Vsd = 10, 15, 20, and 25 V) (H) characteristics of FET based on a perovskite microplate crystal at 77 K. (I) Distribution of the field effect electron mobility of 27 perovskite microplate transistors measured at 77 K. Red, mobility derived from backward sweep; blue, mobility derived from forward sweep.