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. 2015 Oct 9;1(9):e1500686. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1500686

Fig. 4. Edge-on projection of our sample on the accretion variability plane.

Fig. 4

We show that the predicted characteristic bend frequencies, derived by inserting the observed masses, radii, and mass accretion rates into the best-fit relationship to the combined supermassive BHs, stellar-mass BHs, and accreting WDs, agree very well with the observed characteristic bend frequencies. If the predicted and observed bend frequencies are identical, then an object will exactly lie on the black line. We display supermassive BHs as filled green squares, stellar-mass BHs in their soft state as filled red squares, and accreting WDs as filled blue squares. We additionally show the position of the YSO V866 Sco with the filled magenta circle using the best estimate for its magnetospheric radius at 6.4 solar radii. The error on the predicted νb assumes strict upper and lower limits for the disc truncation radius, from 0.1 to 2 AU solar radii (30). We thus demonstrate that the variability plane of accreting systems extends from supermassive BHs all the way to YSOs.