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. 2015 Nov 3;2015:365672. doi: 10.1155/2015/365672

Table 2.

List of selected nanotechniques used by different food industries for food packaging and preservation.

Nanotechniques Examples with composition Used in Advantages References
Nanosensors Metal based nanosensors (Palladium, platinum, and gold) Food packaging Detection of any sort of change in the colour of the food [31]
Detection of any gases being produced due to spoilage [31]
Detection of any change in light, heat, humidity, gas, and chemicals into electrical signals [32]
Detection of toxins such as aflatoxin B1 in milk [33]
Single walled carbon Nano tubes and DNA Food packaging Monitoring the condition of the soil required for the growth of the crop [34]
Detection of the presence of pesticides on the surface of fruits and vegetables [34]
Carbon black and polyaniline Food packaging Detection carcinogens present in the food materials [35]
Detection of food-borne pathogens [36]
Detection of the microorganisms that usually infest the food [37]
Array biosensors, electronic noses, nano-test strips, and nanocantilevers Food packaging Changes colour on coming in contact with any sign of spoilage in the food material [37]
Nano-smart dust Food packaging Detection of any sort of environmental pollution [38]
Nanobarcodes Food packaging Detection of the quality of the agricultural produce [38]
Nanobiosensors Food packaging Detection of the viruses and the bacteria [38]
Biomimetic sensors (protein & biomimetic membranes) and smart biosensors Food packaging Determination of the presence of mycotoxins and several other toxic compounds
Act as pseudo cell surfaces which help in the detection and removal of the pathogens
Surface Plasmon-coupled emission biosensors (with Au) Food packaging Detection of pathogenic organisms [39]
Cerium oxide immunosensors and chitosan based nanocomposites Food packaging Detection of several toxins such as ochratoxin A [40]
Carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowire transistors Food packaging Detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B and cholera toxin [40]
iSTrip of time-temperature indicator/integrator Food packaging Detection of the spoilage of food based on the history of temperature [41]
Abuse indicators Food packaging Determination of the desired temperature has been achieved or not [42]
Partial temperature history indicator Food packaging Integration of time-temperature history when the temperature exceeds a certain pre-determined value [42]
Full-temperature history indicator Food packaging Registers a continuous change in temperature with respect to time
Detection of the change in temperature of frozen foods
Reflective interferometry Food packaging Detection of E. coli contamination in packaged foods [43]

Nanocomposites Nanoclay (polymer & nanoparticles) Food packaging Used to create gas barriers which minimize the leakage of carbon dioxide from the bottles of carbonated beverages [44]
Aegis Food packaging Act as oxygen scavengers, retaining the carbon dioxide in the carbonated drinks [44]
Durethan (polyamide) Food packaging Provides stiffness to the paperboard containers for fruit juices [45]
Imperm (nylon) Food packaging Meant to scavenge oxygen [46]
Nanocor Food packaging Used in the manufacturing of plastic beer bottles in order to prevent the escape of carbon dioxide from the beverage [47]
Nanoencapsulation (nanolaminates) Food packaging Used to coat meats, cheese, fruits, vegetables, and baked goods [47]
Zinc oxide and pediocin & silver coated nanocomposites Food packaging Act as an antimicrobial agent [48]
Degrade the lipopolysaccharide [26]
Cause irreversible damage to the bacterial DNA [49]
PEG coated with garlic oil nanocomposites Food packaging Control pests at stores that infest the packaged food materials [49]
Bionanocomposites (cellulose & starch) Food packaging Proven to be efficient as layering materials for the packaging applications [50]
Enzyme immobilization Food packaging Provides a larger surface area and faster transfer rates [51]
Top Screen DS13 & Guard IN Fresh Food packaging Help in ripening of vegetables and fruits by scavenging ethylene gas [51]
NanoCeram PAC Food packaging Helps in rapid absorption of unpleasant components which may cause foul odour and create repulsive taste [51]

Nanoparticles Silicon dioxide Food packaging & preservation Reducing the leakage of moisture [52]
Anticaking and drying agent [53]
Absorbs the water molecules in food, showing hygroscopic application [54]
Titanium dioxide Food packaging & preservation Acts as a food colourant [54]
Photocatalytic disinfecting agent [55]
Used as food whitener for food products such as milk, cheese, and other dairy products [56]
Zinc oxide Food packaging & preservation Reduce the flow of oxygen inside the packaging containers [57]
Silver nanoparticles Food packaging & preservation Act as antibacterial agent and protect the food from microbial infestation [57]
Extend the shelf life of the fruits and vegetables by absorbing and decomposing ethylene [58]
Inorganic nanoceramic Food packaging & preservation Used in cooking oil for deep-frying food [58]
Polymeric nanoparticles Food packaging & preservation Known to be efficient delivery systems and are bactericidal [58]