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. 2015 Nov 14;14:448. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0979-6

Table 2.

Summary of study outcomes

Control clusters (n = 10) Intervention clusters (n = 9)
Clients with complete data 5797 7522
Diagnosis and treatment Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
 Blood slide-positive 1841 (31.8) 3271 (43.5)
Malaria treatment by infection status
 Blood slide-negative, received no ACT1 8 (0.2) 2662 (62.6)
 Blood slide-negative, received ACT 3948 (99.8) 1589 (37.4)
Trial endpoints Cluster mean (95 % CI) Cluster mean (95 % CI)
 Proportion of blood slide-negative patients receiving ACT 99.8 (99.5−100.0) 42.4 (28.8−56.0) p < 0.001
 Proportion of febrile patients receiving appropriate treatment for malaria with ACT
(95 % CI)
33.7 (25.8−41.5) 72.9 (67.3−78.6) p < 0.001
 Proportion of febrile patients seen within 24 h of onset of symptoms receiving appropriate treatment 26.8 (19.5−34.2) 52.8 (45.9−59.7) p < 0.001
 Proportion of febrile patients referred* 244 (3.6 %) 1019 (11.9 %) p < 0.001
Reasons for referral
 Danger signs 105 (46.9 %) 667 (78.7 %) p < 0.001
 Other signs 119 (53.1 %) 180 (21.3 %)
Recommendations from clients
What do you recommend with regard to DSV?
 Improve health facilities of DSVs 16 (19.5 %) 19 (25.3)
 Improve geographical access 2 (2.4) 3 (4.0)
 Cheaper medication 8 (9.8) 12 (16.0)
 Greater stock and variety of medication 19 (23.2) 8 (10.7)
 Show patients test results RDT/blood samples 4 (4.9) 3 (4.0)
 Continue RDT use/expand to other DSVs 26 (31.7) 10 (13.3)
 Develop RDTs for other illnesses 11 (13.4) 20 (26.7)
Which aspects of the treatment and advice you received at the drug shop were you happy with?
 Patient recovered/treatment worked 118 (54.4) 91 (41.5)
 Standard and form of healthcare provided 111 (51.1) 81 (37.0)
 Price of treatment and provision of credit 20 (9.2) 13 (5.9)
 Health facilities and stock of medication 9 (4.1) 2 (0.9)
 Offered referral and/or conditional advice 4 (1.8) 6 (2.7)
 Use of ‘blood test’/RDT 19 (8.8) 101 (46.1)

* Within 24 hours of consultation

1ACT defined as either receiving artemether-lumefantrine of rectal artesunate