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. 2015 Nov 16;16:356. doi: 10.1186/s12891-015-0808-7

Table 3.

Description of study information

Study Aim Gait analysis tool Running condition Speed Phase of running cycle
Orchard et al. [7] To establish a model of the pathogenesis of ITBS in distance runners Vicon 3D Motion analysis, force plate was used 2 x 2 minute runs on a treadmill, second run was performed with a heel raise
Runners own running shoes
Constant pace Stance phase
Meisser et al. [8] To determine whether there is a relationship between selected variables and runners affected by ITBS High speed video camera, force plate was used 22.75m runway
Runners own running shoes
Self-selected Stance phase
Noehren et al. [11] To compare the pre-existing frontal and transverse plane lower extremity kinetics and kinematics between a group of female runners who develop ITBS compared to healthy controls 6-camera Vicon 3D Motion analysis, force plate was used 25m runway
Standard neutral running shoes
3.7m/s−1 Stance phase
Ferber et al. [12] To examine differences in running biomechanics between runners who previously sustained ITBS and runners with no knee-related running injuries 6-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, force plate was used 25m runway
Neutral cushioning running shoes
3.65m/s−1 Stance phase
Phinyomark et al. [20] To examine differences in running gait kinematics between male and female runners with ITBS and to assess differences in gait kinematics between healthy gender and age-matched runners compared to runners with ITBS 8-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, no force plate was used Treadmill
Neutral running shoes (Nike Pegasus)
Self-selected speed between 2.23-3.35m/s−1 Full stride cycle
Foch et al. [21] To determine if biomechanics during running, hip strength and ITB flexibility differ among female runners with ITBS, previous ITBS and controls 9-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, force plate was used 17m runway
Neutral running shoes (Bite Footwear)
3.3m/s−1 Stance phase
Foch and Milner [22] To determine whether women with previous ITBS exhibited differences in kinetics and kinematics during running compared to controls using a PCA approach 9-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, force plate was used 17m runway
Neutral running shoes (Bite Footwear)
3.5m/s−1 Stance phase
Foch and Milner [23] To determine if biomechanics during running and frontal plane core endurance differ between female runners with previous ITBS and controls 9-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, force plate was used 17m runway
Neutral running shoes (Bite Footwear)
3.5m/s−1 Stance phase
Grau et al. [24] Investigate differences between healthy runners and runners with ITBS with regards to kinematic characteristics in order to suggest treatment strategies for ITBS 6-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, force plate was used 13m EVA foam runway
3.3m/s−1 Stance phase
Hein et al. [25] To determine whether or not CRP variability is an effective and beneficial method for providing information about possible differences or similarities between injured and non-injured runners 6-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, did not state whether a force plate was used 13m EVA foam runway
3.3m/s−1 Stance phase
Miller et al. [26]a To investigate the role of lower extremity coordination variability in runners with retrospective cases of ITBS during an exhaustive run 8-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, no force plate used Quinton treadmill at a level grade
Runners own running shoes
Speed that would exhaust the runner within 20 minutes Full stride cycle
Miller et al. [27]a To expand the base of knowledge of ITBS biomechanics when comparing runners with ITBS to healthy runners during a run to voluntary exhaustion 8-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis no force plate used Quinton treadmill at a level grade
Runners own running shoes
Speed that would exhaust the runner within 20 minutes Full stride cycle
Noehren et al. [28] To assess the difference in abduction and external rotation strength, ITB length as well as frontal and transverse plane kinematics at the hip and knee in men with and without ITBS 15-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis, no force plate was used Treadmill
Neutral running shoes (New Balance WR662)
3.3m/s−1 Stance phase

Abbreviations: m meters, ITBS Iliotibial band syndrome, 3D three dimensional, m/s −1 meters per second, PCA Principal components analysis; ITB, Iliotibial band

astudy conducted on runners who ran to fatigue