Fig. 4.
Megabase-size hypomethylated domains identified in GSC lines.
A: The 194 megabase windows in the genome contain significantly more hypomethylated CpG sites than expected. These domains are enriched near the ends and centromeres of chromosomes. B: UCSC genome browser snapshot of a 40-Mb interval on chromosome 10 that contains a long-range hypomethylated domain in the GSC cell line 1133S and GBM xenograft MAYO59 as compared to the control group. The color in the RRBS track indicates the percent of molecules that are methylated at each CpG position. Color scheme is consistent with in Fig. 3A and B. C: The observation of promoter hypermethylation and gene body hypomethylation in the MGMT gene. The upper panel shows a UCSC genome browser snapshot illustrating the RRBS results of MGMT. The lower panels illustrate the DNA methylation profiles of multiple DMRs located in the 5′-end and gene body of MGMT.