Figure 1.
SIRT1 dysregulation in X-ALD. (a–c) SIRT1 analysis in spinal cord of 12-month-old WT (n=4) and Abcd1− mice (n=6). (a) SIRT1 gene expression analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. Relative expression values were normalized to WT mice. (b) SIRT1 protein levels. Representative immunoblot is shown. Protein levels are normalized relative to γ-tubulin and quantification is represented as fold change to WT mice. (c) SIRT1 activity. Relative activity values were normalized to WT mice. (d) Representative immunoblot for SIRT1 in control (n=4) and in non-affected (n=4) and affected white matter from X-ALD patients (n=4). Protein levels are normalized relative to γ-tubulin and quantification is represented as fold change with respect to control white matter. Values are expressed as mean±S.D. (*P<0.05, **P <0.01, ***P<0.001, unpaired t test (panels a–c)) or one way-ANOVA followed by t test post hoc (paired t test between non-affected and affected white matter and unpaired t test between control and non-affected white matter and between control and affected white matter, panel d)