Roots of T. gladiolaris grown on agar medium, where either only the apical part was treated with Cd and the basal part was exposed to Cd-free medium (A) or only the basal part was treated with Cd and the apical part was exposed to Cd-free medium (E). The apical part of the root responded to Cd treatment by more prominent deposition of apoplasmic barriers such as Casparian bands (C) and suberin lamellae (D) in endodermal and exodermal cells compared with Cd-non-treated apex (G, H). Endodermal and exodermal cells of the contractile root base did not change the response to Cd treatment (F) compared with the Cd-non-treated base (B), and in both cases the suberin lamellae were less developed compared with the non-contractile apices. Staining: fluorol yellow 088 (B, D, F, H), berberine–toluidine blue (C, G). Abbreviations: e, endodermis; ex, exodermis. Scale bar (B, F) = 200 µm; (C, D, G, H) = 50 µm; (A, E) = 10 mm.