a. Flow cytometry of CD3−NKp46+ cells from nasal passage, spleen, and lung, and double-stained with CD11b and CD27. Numbers in quadrants indicate the percentages of cells in each. Dot plots below shows percentage of CD27highCD11blow cells from nasal passage, spleen, and lung. b. Flow cytometry of CD3−NKp46+ cells from spleen, lung, and nasal passages with CD62L, CD69, and CD69/CD103. The numbers in the histograms indicate the percentage of positive cells. Solid line, specific antibody; dashed line, isotype-matched control antibody. Dot plots below shows the percentage of positively stained cells. Bar, mean; n.s.; not significant; *, P < 0.05**, P < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney U test with Ryan’s multiple comparison method). Data are obtained from at least 3 independent experiments.