Fig 4. Immunostains of MEC-like pulmonary carcinoma.
(A) P63 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2A (x150). (B) TTF-1 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2A (x150). (C) p63 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2B (x150). (D) TTF-1 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2B (x150). (E) p63 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2C (x150). (F) TTF-1 was positive in some cells in the same case in 2C (x150). (G) ALK was positive in tumor cells as the same case in 2C (x150). (H) ALK was positive in some tumor cells as the same case in 2D (x150).