Figure 1.
Inhibition of CTSK bya small-molecule inhibitor showed bone-protective effects in the periodontitis lesion area. A) Methylene blue staining of the maxilla tooth of the normal and disease groups with and without ODN (3.606 mg · kg−1 · wk−1) treatment. Red arrows indicate vertical bone resorption. White dotted areas indicate horizontal bone resorption. B) Quantification of the alveolar bone resorption area in the horizontal view of A. C) H&E staining of the periodontal tissue of different groups. The H&E stain showed increased bone breakdown in the WT disease group (red arrows). Columns 2 to 4 are enlarged images of the boxed areas in column 1 (magnification ×20). D and E) Quantification of bone resorption length and PDL width of C. W/ = with; W/O = without; Inf = infection; N.S. = not significant. * P <0.01,† P <0.001. n = 5, repeated three times. Scale bars = 100 μm.