Fig. 5.
Mechanically induced ATP release from Capan-1, CFPAC and HPDE cells. a The representative time course of the fast ATP release from Capan-1 cells after mechanical stimulation using pump injections, here 150 and 360 μl/s (n = 7, 7). The arrow indicates the time of physiological buffer injections. Dose-dependent release of ATP from Capan-1 b and in response to a range of pump injection speeds as follows: 100, 150, 200, 260, 310, 360 and 420 μl/s (n = 6–7). c Transfection CFPAC-1 cells with CFTR plasmid. The values of ATP released from the CFPAC-1 cells transfected with CFTR plasmid (full squares) (n = 5) in response to mechanical stimulation (100–420 μl/s) were significantly increased compare to control cells treated with transfection reagent (open squares) (n = 5). Between untreated cells (full diamonds) and transfection control cells (open squares), there were no significant differences. d Effect of mechanical stimulation on ATP release from HPDE cells after pump injection (100–420 μl/s, n = 5). The left axis shows the ATP concentration values corrected per 106 cells in 1 ml. Results are given as mean net values ± SEM