Figure 2.
Heterogeneous firing properties differ between neurons of the dVNLL and vVNLL. (A) Representative voltage traces recorded from a vVNLL neuron (A) and from dVNLL neurons (B) during a depolarizing current injection. (C) Schematic diagram illustrating the analysis of the active membrane properties. The first action potential (AP) elicited by the lowest current injection was used for analysis. (D) Current threshold eliciting the first action potential for vVNLL and dVNLL neurons. (E) Voltage threshold, (F) AP amplitude, (G) AP half-width and (H) AP latency of the first elicited AP for vVNLL and dVNLL neurons. dVNLL: onset-type n = 19, sustained n = 9, vVNLL onset-type n = 34. Statistical significance was determined by a single-factor ANOVA test followed by a Scheffé’s post hoc test; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.