FIG 2.
Distribution of SNPs in the Pfmdr-1 gene over time. Mutations in the Pfmdr-1 gene were observed only at codons 86 (n = 200), 184 (n = 193), and 1246 (n = 194). The isolates were classified as having mutant, wild-type (WT), or mixed (harboring both mutant and wild-type alleles) genotypes for each locus. The prevalence of the observed alleles was calculated by combining isolates with pure mutant codons with isolates with mixed genotypes. The majority of the samples harbored the wild-type N86 and the wild-type D1246 alleles. Codon 184 was evenly distributed among the samples. We observed a significant decrease in the prevalence of the N86Y mutant allele (P = 0.0001) over the study period. No significant differences were observed in the prevalence of mutations at codon 184 (P = 0.5120) or 1246 (P = 0.0680).