Figure 6.
Characterization of patient-derived GBM neurospheres indicates that PN cells can gain mesenchymal features upon implantation in mice. (a) Morphology of six patient-derived neurospheres using phase contrast microscopy, images obtained at × 10 magnification. (b) Heatmap of the predominant signature of the indicated panel of GBM neurospheres. A qRT-PCR-based PN/MES metagene analysis was performed on each sample allowing calculation and comparison of z-scores. Blue shades indicate PN, and red a MES signature. Included were samples derived from previously subtyped GBM patients representing PN and MES signatures. For some neurosphere cultures different passage numbers (p) were included. (c) H&E- and Nestin-stained sections of tumor grafts derived from the indicated neurospheres showing tumor growth and dissemination in the mice brains. (d) T2 MRI images of patients from which GG14 and GG16 cell lines were derived showing infiltrative GBM with massive edema and necrosis. (e) Immunohistochemical staining comparing the expression of YKL40, ZEB1 and pSMAD2 in GG14 and GG16 xenografts in parallel with their corresponding patient material