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. 2015 Nov 7;282(1818):20151944. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1944

Table 1.

Sighting histories and tag type for dolphins (n = 32) evaluated during August 2011 health evaluations in Barataria Bay, LA. The presence (1 or 2) or absence (0) of each animal was recorded for every month a survey was conducted. Outlined cells represent survey months in which satellite-linked data were received for animals with functioning tags. Bold numbers represent the final sighting of each individual. Odd/even field IDs represent females/males, respectively. Bold field IDs represent females that were pregnant at time of capture, as determined by ultrasonography. A number 2 indicates that the female was sighted with a calf. Month of estimated due date is shaded in grey. Sightings of mother/calf pairs following the due date were considered reproductive successes. Detection probability was estimated from the top CJS model φ., pt. Inline graphic indicates the probability that the dolphin would be undetected for the number of contiguous occasions shown. n.a., not applicable. Tag types: S, satellite-linked; V, very high frequency (VHF); B, both VHF and satellite-linked.

graphic file with name rspb20151944-i2.jpg

aActual survival time based on carcass retrieval (31 Jan 2012).

bY35 disappeared prior to her due date and presumably died along with her calf.

cY01 was observed pushing a dead neonate in March 2013, 10 months after the expected due date (May 2012) of her 2011 pregnancy resulting in her second reproductive loss in 17 months.

dUltrasonography of Y31 revealed the presence of a non-viable fetus; therefore, no due date is provided.